The National Texas
Longhorn Museum
Created by
Alan Rogers
Kansas City, MO
A Research Historian

steer shipped by rail to Kansas City in 1924. Placed in the quarantine section to inspect
for tick fever. An old mature steer, perhaps 15 years old. Weighed 710 pounds. Sold for 6
cents a pound to the Cudahy Packing Co., where he was killed by the hammer. Horns hung in
the office of Cassidy Southwestern Commission Co. from 1924-1972, a firm for whom my dad
bought cattle. 4 feet 9 inches, tip to tip. One of the classic early-day Longhorn shapes. |
A website dedicated in
pictures and text to the study of the horns of Texas cattle, early steer horn furniture
and related items, beginning from the days of trail drives and into the 1930's. This
learning center is devoted to educating interested parties about authentic,
historically-correct Texas Longhorn cattle and their horns.
Here you will learn about the sizes,
shapes & colors of the horns of bulls, steers and cows with interesting facts about
the Longhorn's history, the Old West, cowboys and trail drives.

Mounted in Chicago
Early 1890's

Early Texas Steer
Latter 1880's

Texas Made
Beveled Glass Mirror

Unusual Horn Growth 1930's - 1940's

Convention Banner 1880's

Horn Furniture

Superior Example of the Corkscrew
Twist. Steer of the 1880's.
Probably Born the Early 1870's.

1890's Horn Decorated by Alan Rogers

The Buckhorn Saloon
San Antonio c. 1915

Texas Steer
Longhorn Museum's Learning Center
Throughout this site, enhancing the photos, Alan
Rogers has included fascinating facts about Texas Longhorns.
The Learning Center gives an indepth look at topics such as these:
(More links will be added, so please visit this site often!)
Learn about
Alan Rogers CLICK HERE
Horn chairs NOTICE! Confusion
About Horn Chairs Made By Wenzel Friedrich, Charles Puppe & William Mittmann CLICK HERE
Horn chairs CLICK HERE
Horn tables CLICK HERE
Horn hatracks CLICK HERE
Horn furniture and horn veneer: How it
is made and some known makers CLICK
Herman Metz and his horn furniture
displayed at the 1904 World's Fair CLICK HERE
The world's largest-known piece of horn
furniture CLICK HERE
Albert Friedrich, Wenzel Friedrich, the
Buckhorn and Billie Keilman's Horn Palace CLICK HERE
Horn Galleries: Photos of old steer
Cattlemen's banner CLICK
Champion: The famous steer and his
horns, said to be over 9 feet wide. Learn the truth about him! CLICK HERE
Bobcat Twister: Longhorn steer and rodeo star
Photos of old Longhorn cattle (steers,
bulls and cows) CLICK HERE
The Largest Known Piece of Horn Furniture
A Masterpiece of Horn Veneer
-- Displayed at the 1904 World's Fair |

8 feet 3 1/2 inches tall ... 5
feet 10 inches wide This impressive
dresser is one of several pieces displayed at the 1904's World's Fair in St. Louis.
It was made by Herman Metz, a St. Joseph,
MO fireman who made horn pieces as a hobby.
During the height of the horn furniture
craze, dozens of individuals across the United States made something of horn.
On this site you can learn about horn
furniture, some of its makers, and see representative pieces. Click on the links below for
more information.
To learn more about
Herman Metz and this dresser, click here.
Thank you for
visiting the Longhorn Museum!
You might want to
start by reading about Alan Rogers.
Then visit the Horn Galleries
and be sure to visit all the links in the Learning Center (see above).
To contact, click here. |